Kyodai's Anti Double Post Mod Find a MOD

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Kyodai's Anti Double Post Mod Ver.1.0
29 May 2009
No Rating
This is my first own mod. I wanted to get rid of the double-posts (or even triple or worse) of some users. Especially the "bumping" of threads was what made me write this mod.

I found a double post merge mod, but maybe due to my many previous mods - i just could not get it to work. So i made this simple mod from scratch. I made it very flexible by letting the mod use its own SQL statements and variables and not modify given SQL statements or variables, so it should be compatible with all mods.

It gives an error message whenever a user tries to post to a thread where a post of his own is the last one.

In a future version i might add the possibility to auto-merge with the previous post instead of just displaying the error message. This is my very first mod and if you like it please vote so i can see there is any interest in future mods by me. =]


One information was missing. I did not use the forum prefix variable, you might add it. In my example the TOPICS table is called "FORUM_TOPICS", so if your table prefix is different from "FORUM" you need to change it.