The Topic Image Preview MOD scans topics from allowed forums, then displays images and associated topic titles from the last 10 topics which included images. Each image thumbnail is linked to a full size version and each topic title is linked to the topic itself.
This mod includes a check of whether members are allowed access to a forum before displaying the images.
Guests are not allowed access. To allow access to guests, in "Topic_Images.asp", delete (or comment out) lines 50-52; or in "inc_topic_images.asp", delete (or comment out) lines 41-43.
"inc_topic_images.asp" is provided to enable the image display to appear in "active.asp" (if you want them displayed with the active topics page).
v1.5 - Fixed the non-member bypass of forum access check
v1.6 - Fixed the random case where links didn't match images
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This mod includes a check of whether members are allowed access to a forum before displaying the images.
Guests are not allowed access. To allow access to guests, in "Topic_Images.asp", delete (or comment out) lines 50-52; or in "inc_topic_images.asp", delete (or comment out) lines 41-43.
"inc_topic_images.asp" is provided to enable the image display to appear in "active.asp" (if you want them displayed with the active topics page).