CAUTION: This is a risky operation, back up your forums before at first try. So use it at your own risk.
This mod moves ALL Topics of a Forum to another Forum. Make sure to update your forum counts after tho ;)
Basically it opens two coloumns of forums one source and one destination (no worries, written on top ) anyway, you select source forum (which topics will be moved FROM) and you select destination forum (where topics will be moved TO) then voila! It works greatly on SQL 2000 server, could not have time to test it on other databases (using getRows, so might be difficulties at large number of forum list with Access DB's). Due to my work, I could do this in matter of an hour, will try to improve as soon as possible (such as changing last topic author and date at destination forum etc.)
1. Copy admin_mergetopics.asp into your forum folder 2. Insert admin_mergetopic.asp link to somewhere in your admin_home.asp
This mod is made in a rush, so excuse me for any graphical displeasements :)
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CAUTION: This is a risky operation, back up your forums before at first try. So use it at your own risk.
This mod moves ALL Topics of a Forum to another Forum. Make sure to update your forum counts after tho ;)
Basically it opens two coloumns of forums one source and one destination (no worries, written on top ) anyway, you select source forum (which topics will be moved FROM) and you select destination forum (where topics will be moved TO) then voila! It works greatly on SQL 2000 server, could not have time to test it on other databases (using getRows, so might be difficulties at large number of forum list with Access DB's). Due to my work, I could do this in matter of an hour, will try to improve as soon as possible (such as changing last topic author and date at destination forum etc.)
1. Copy admin_mergetopics.asp into your forum folder
2. Insert admin_mergetopic.asp link to somewhere in your admin_home.asp
This mod is made in a rush, so excuse me for any graphical displeasements :)