Reviews: Email Reminder to Pending Members

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Email Reminder to Pending Members Ver.1.1
12 February 2004
This little mod will send out a reminder to all members in the MEMBERS_PENDING table. You can also set the number of days when it will say FINAL NOTICE in the email.

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  (4 votes)

Very Easy
written by leatherlips on 26 Sep 2005

This is a nice little mod. It works well. The one feature I'd like to see added to it is the ability to choose which pending members receive the email. All pending members, regardless of how long they have been pending, are sent the email. If you have some members that have been pending for a week and someone who just registered is pending for one day, they will each get the reminder. Not a big problem, but it would just me nice to able to pick and choose.

nice one
written by Dave on 12 Apr 2005

very simple to install and use, would have been better though to allow admin to select which member to send reminder to instead of sending to all, some poor swine who'd only just registered got a reminder, apart from that good stuff

Useful, if harsh
written by jodonnell on 16 Feb 2005

A very useful mod, simple to install and use. The read me file could use a little more description of what the content of the e-mails was. After installation I sent my pending members their first reminder, only to discover that they all got the "final notice" mail, which does have a tone of "sign up or get lost". Still, should have checked the file myself before using it. Simple file, so simple to remedy mail content. john

Simple to install; works great!
written by taropatch on 07 Sep 2004

Yes, it's not automated but it simplifies sending out reminders. Clicking the "send reminders" link makes it easy. Plus, you can install in in one minute. Thanks CarKnee!