Reviews: Content Display

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Content Display Ver.
05 October 2002
This MOD allows you to display content from your forum in many different manners and styles all from a single file. This zip also includes article.asp which allows you to have an article system by adding only 2 new ASP pages. You could even make it a column, news postings...whatever! This MOD is also designed to display forum content outside your forum!

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  (1 vote)

written by Adeptus on 09 Feb 2005

Nice idea, but like the last review said, the readme really needs to be reworked. Pretty easy to set up the "list of news articles" but the accompanying samples for displaying articles or news are rife with references to other mods that are not listed as dependancies in the readme. For example, the news.asp file needs a PM mod (ok, I could find the fields that weren't in my DB and delete the offending SQL), and the "improved" news2.asp needs a login, members spotlight ans websearch mod. All very well, but why let users find out the hard way? I'll be going back to the Portal Mod...