Reviews: Email verification Reminder

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Email verification Reminder Ver.1.0
10 September 2007
This mod will re-send the pending members' email verification mail to them. It allows you to select individual accounts to remind or remind all.

Installation is simple and requires modification or replacement of only the admin_accounts_pending.asp file.

After 20 days the reminder email will send a final notice by default. This can easily be modified to reflect any number of days or to send different message.

Please post any problems or suggestions to :

* As per reviewer's request an additional readme now includes areas to look for in the original admin_accounts_pending.asp. This makes following the instructions a little more cumbersome to me, so the original readme is still available in the zip file.

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  (1 vote)

instructions not so great
written by Eric Coleman on 10 Sep 2007

The modification instructions don't say what pieces of code you need to look for, only line number. The problem is that after you make the first modification, all the line numbers of where to modify after that are wrong, at least for my file. The reason for using the text file in the first place, instead of the replacement file, is if you've made modifications to the original, so line numbers are not so usefull.