Reviews: IP Search

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IP Search Ver.1.44
05 July 2008
Admin only search members by last IP.

Updated to work with 3.4.06

Replaced Blackcode IP tracing engine, they're out-of-business.

Since the new IP tracing company apparently didn't search outside the USA, I've replaced them too.

1.4: Rewrote sorting and filtering routines to enable ascending/descending sorting, etc.

1.41: Fixed an issue with drop-down menu.

1.42: Corrected drop-down variable to make sorting functional again.

1.43: Fixed a MySQL reserved character issue, edited four variables, changed display font for continuity.

1.44: Converted PMs to a conditional clause.

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  (2 votes)

Great MOD!!
written by RonTampaBay on 01 Oct 2003

Excellent Mod - simple to install! Worked first time!!

Great mod!!
written by schef on 23 Feb 2003

This is essential when using IPgate or any other mod that bans via IP address. This really helped me look at the implications of blocking a range of IP's. It is very useful and beyond easy to setup. Very good!! Thanks.