Reviews: Streaming Audio

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Streaming Audio Ver.2.1
31 May 2015
This creates a forum radio. You can separate music by genre (17 types). When you choose a new genre in "admin_playlist.asp", the table is created for it. Members can choose to listen to music by genre or by "all". Note: If you want music added to a particular genre to ALSO be available to the "all" category, you must add it there as well. A good arrangement for the music folder is for each genre to be in a folder (named appropriately) within your All music folder. That way, you can use the auto-populate function for each type as well as for the all category.

To simplify adding songs to the database tables, I included FileSystemObject to scan your music directories (and sub-directories) and automatically make the tables.

v2.1 :

In "admin_playlist.asp", first set limits for number of songs and minutes. Note: If the song quantity limit is set higher than the total song quantity in the table, the limit will be automatically decreased accordingly during the playlist creation.

Set minutes to 0 for infinite. Note: If other than 0, it will take precedence over the song quantity. With a limit of 60 minutes, the program will quit adding songs to the playlist when total time exceeds one hour. You can also set looping (repeating entire playlist) on or off.

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3.4.07 MS SQL
written by Ma Graham on 06 Feb 2012

This mod is at the top of my list of FAVORITES! TOTALLY LOVE IT! Music is my life and the members LOVE this! Soooo NEAT!! I'm up to five playlists I've created and still going! :) Thank you SO MUCH for this mod!! Such WONDERFUL work you do, Carefree!!