Reviews: Subforums MOD

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Subforums MOD Ver.0.2.2 Beta
0.2.2 Beta
27 February 2006
This MOD will allow you to add one level of subforums to your forums. At this point most, but not all, the bugs have been worked out.

It has been tested with Access, and probably works with MS SQL. I think there are some problems with MySQL... though I'm not sure at this point.

Code for the Standard and SpeedBall II versions are included as well as appropriate directions.

This newest version fixes issues related to large forums... more new stuff on the way. smile


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  (2 votes)

Works with MySQL, too!
written by Ma Graham on 13 Sep 2012

Using Snitz version 3.4.07 and MySQL. This mod is incredible! It makes the Snitz forums limited only to one's imagination! :) Thank you for all of your hard work in doing this mod for all of us!

Great Mod
written by JohnathanKong on 10 Oct 2007

I have been looking for a mod like this everywhere. If it wasn't for this mod, I would have scraped Snitz and went with something else. I am using it in my knowledge center which is going to go live today.