Reviews: Realname Mod

Members Menu
Remember Me?
Realname Mod Ver.1.5
22 January 2008
The RealName mod is designed to allow you to set up a board in which users have to enter their first and last names, and then to display those names rather than the usernames in most pages – default.asp, topics.asp, members.asp, etc. In some cases, Administrators and Moderators will see the users’ usernames in small text below the real name. This is handy for those sites, such as school sites, in which every member presumably already knows every other member by their real names. This feature can be turned on or off from the Member Details Configuration section of the Admin Options – set to “off” and usernames appear. However, it is very much an "all-or-nothin" mod - meaning, if you decide to display members' real names, they must enter their first and last names in their profiles when registering - if not, then all that will be displayed when the "Display Fullname" option is selected would be a blank. No username, no real name.

The download includes a readme file, as well as the edited versions of all files (except config.asp), and the file to update the database. Please use the edited files included in the download only if you have not modified the same files with another mod, or you will lose any prior modifications.

Attribution: This mod derives from posts from individuals who are members of the Snitz forum – I simply modified it to include last name, added the ability to turn the option to display or require fullnames on and off in the Admin Options, and extended it to most screens rather than just topic.asp. Credit for the "mandatory fields" section goes to HuwR and Classicmotorcycling. Credit for the "display real names in topic.asp" section goes to Hamlin, DoraMoon, and Ranko (Ranko Mariniæ). Any errors in the code are entirely mine.

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  (2 votes)

Works Great!
written by mikegodwin on 04 Aug 2006

Now.. How do I get it to show the Moderators full name?

written by WebJoe on 26 Oct 2005

great work, thanks. How about combining the fullnema and the realname mod?